Mechanics Seminars


Now Accepting Applications for 2025 Mechanic Seminar Classes

Waterous is now accepting applications for the 2025 Mechanics Seminars. Below you will find the dates available. NOTE: Please refrain from making travel arrangements until Waterous confirms enrollment.

September 16-18 (5 Seats Open)
October 14-16 (14 Seats Open)
November 18-20 (16 Seats Open)
December 9-11 (13 Seats Open)

Do not uses dashes. (ex: 5551239999)


Operate and Maintain Your Fire Suppression Systems with Confidence. Waterous Factory Training.

Waterous was forging new education programs to help firefighters extend the life of their products far before the fire service industry stressed the need for fire pump maintenance education and training. Today, our courses continue to help technicians perform fire pump service and repair to keep Waterous pumps and accessories operating at their full potential.

Curriculum & Information

Waterous Mechanic Seminars are held at the Waterous Company facility in South St. Paul, Minnesota. Our seminars are three days long and include hands-on training by Waterous service staff. Seminars begin at 8:30 am on Tuesday and conclude on Thursday at 4:30 pm. The cost of the seminar is $300.00. The attendee is responsible for their own transportation, non-class time meals and lodging. Optional classes and EVT testing are available on Friday morning following class (see below).

Optional Classes and Testing

Friday morning, an optional EVT Certification Commission Exam will allow applicants the option of taking the exam for certification or recertification.

What will you receive from your Mechanic’s Seminar?

  • Hands-on Training – Will cover Vehicle-Mounted pumps (CM, CS and CP-2 Pumps), Transmissions (C20, Y and K Series) and all accessories and an overview of Foam and CAFS.
  • Comprehensive manual (on USB Flash drive) including operation, maintenance and overhaul instructions for pumps, transmissions and accessories, assembly drawings, tool drawings.
  • Friction Loss and Flow Rate Cards
  • Lunches for three days

What will we cover in the Seminar?

  • Basic centrifugal pump theory, design and manufacturing
  • Operation, troubleshooting, overhaul and maintenance of the following:
    • Midship Pumps (CM/CS Series)
    • Pump Transmissions (C20/Y Series)
    • Basic PTO-Driven End-Suction Pumps (CP-2 Series)
  • Accessories
    • Road to Pump Shift Assemblies
    • Transfer Valve Actuators
    • Discharge and Intake Relief Valves
    • Priming Assemblies
    • Intake and Discharge Valves
    • Drain Valves
    • Overheat Protection System
  • Discuss NFPA 1900 and 1910 Standards
  • Plant Tour

Class Size
We limit the class size to 16-students per class. Applications are accepted on a First Come-First Serve basis.

Accommodations & Local Travel
The Minneapolis / St. Paul International Airport (MSP) is located 13-miles from the Waterous facility.

Local transportation – Students will be responsible for transportation to and from the airport. Transportation is available between our preferred hotel and the Waterous facility (see Hotel Information below for additional lodging information). Note: Please do not make hotel or air reservations until your seat is confirmed in the seminar class.

Waterous has negotiated a discounted rate at the following hotel. Hotel information will be provided with your confirmation including links and phone numbers.

Hotel Distance from Waterous Transportation Available

Courtyard by Marriott Woodbury

185 Radio Drive,

Woodbury, MN  55125

Reservations: 888.236.2427 |

Phone: 651.731.5338

Online Reservations – Click Here

9 Miles


Payment Information
Payment must be received prior to confirmation. After receipt of payment, confirmation and hotel information will be sent out. Payment may be made by credit card or check. Application includes area for credit card information and mailing address for paying by checks.

EVT (Emergency Vehicle Technician) Test
Registration and fees for EVT Certification Test must be sent to EVT directly. Visit or call 1-847-426-4076 for an application. Registration and payment must be processed 21 days prior to the beginning of the class. Students will have time to take one original certification test or one recertification test.

NOTE: This class is not an EVT preparation class. We will cover a number of subjects that could be on the test but students should be prepared prior to attending the class. Please visit for reference material required and learning objectives. Waterous does not provide the study materials for the EVT certification exam. Students are encouraged to bring their own for personal study prior to the exam.

We are looking forward to you joining us for the Waterous Mechanics’ Seminar. Please remember that the space is limited and classes fill quickly. Please send your application as soon as possible to ensure you receive the class and date you prefer.